June 10, 2006


Last weekend, on a whim, Dana, Chris, and I took a road trip to Yosemite National Park. We were originally planning to rent a cabin, but when Dana called Friday morning to make a reservation there weren't any vacancies. Not to be deterred we decided we'd just get a tent and camp outside. This turned out to be a bit of wishful thinking.

We arrived around 12:30 AM and drove around following signs to various campgrounds, but all of them had signs up saying the campground was full. After about an hour of this, we gave up and made our way back to the visitor's center at the park entrance and just slept in the car. Not the best night's sleep I've ever had, but hey, it was an adventure.

The next morning we checked the building where you can reserve a spot at the campground but were simply greeted with a sign listing all campgrounds as either full or closed. So with that in mind, we decided we'd just had home that night rather than trying to find a place to camp.

We spent the day hitting most of the major sites: El Capitan, Yosemite Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, Half Dome, and Glacier Point. Everything we saw was really spectacular. I posted a bunch of pictures on flickr. The pictures turned out well, but most of them don't even begin to give a good sense of the shear size of the mountains and falls.

Oh, and being the huge dorks that we are, we had to take time out after lunch to play Settlers. Good times.

If you haven't been to Yosemite, I definitely recommend you go at some point, but I highly suggest a bit of planning ahead of time (unless you really don't mind sleeping in the car).

Posted by Jason at June 10, 2006 04:40 PM