September 14, 2005

Now on DreamHost

If you're reading this, then you're DNS servers are hip to the fact that I've switched this domain over to DreamHost as my hosting provider.

My free hosting with
1and1 runs out in January, and while I haven't had any problem with them I decided I'd start seeing what other hosting companies offered. Quite a number of people I know are using DreamHost and have been quite happy with it. They also started supporting Ruby on Rails with FastCGI a few months ago, which I definitely plan to take advantage of. Lastly, their hosting plans are really cheap and have insane (one might even say Crazy Insane) amounts of storage space and monthly bandwidth.

I think everything is up and running smoothly, but if you notice any oddities, please
let me know.

Corey let me know that comments and email aren't working. I'll try to fix the comments after work. Email still seems to be trying to go through the 1and1 servers. Hopefully that will sort itself out in the next day or two.

Update2: Comments are fixed. Had to update my the Scode module to point to the correct tmp directory. Email also seems to now be working correctly.

Posted by Jason at September 14, 2005 10:02 AM