July 27, 2005

Getting Buff

I finally got my ass to the fitness center today! Ever since I moved in here, I've been wanting to take advantage of the fitness center, but haven't been motivated enough to get myself to start going. I've never really done much in terms of consistently working out. For a period of a few months my senior year of college Jeff, Angie, and I went to the fitness center in Veale. But with our class schedules being different everyday, and not always having a mutually suitable time to go to the gym, we didn't last too long.

I had been telling people while I was home this past week that I was definitely going to start going to the gym when I got back to CA. Of course, I was too tired Monday due to being up at 4 AM to catch my flight back here, and then I was tired on Tuesday after having to get up early for an early meeting at work and still being a bit jet lagged. So things weren't looking good.

Fortunately just as I got home today, Andrew said he was heading over to the gym in our apartment complex, so I said I'd join him. This spur of the moment decision was just what I needed to overcome the inertia of just coming home, getting food, and plopping down in front of the TV/computer. Now I just have to get in the habit of going at least every other day, if not every day. But now that I finally got there once, it should be easier to go back.

Then at some point here, I want to start playing racquetball occasionally. Looks like I can play at the Cupertion Sports Center for $7 a day. Not too bad if I only plan to play a couple times a month. Anyone else interested in playing?

Posted by Jason at July 27, 2005 09:19 PM

It helps to find a partner to go to the gym with...preferably female ;)

Posted by: Josh Staiger on July 28, 2005 02:54 AM