October 13, 2004

Good TV

Last night's episode of Scrubs was wonderful. First you had Zach Braff dressed as a Kabuki actor to tell a family their loved one has died. So completely random. Though this was especially entertaining to me after learning about Kabuki theater in my Classical Japanese Literature class last spring. Then Tom Cavanaugh was in the episode as Zach's brother, Dan. Though he spent most of the episode drinking beer in JD's bathtub. This is the first season I've watched Scrubs and I've laughed out loud multiple times during every episode. I believe the older seasons are coming out on DVD, so those will definitely be going into my NetFlix queue. And speaking of Tom Cavanaugh hopefully Ed will be out on DVD in the near future, that was such a great show too.

Tonight's episode of Rescue Me was also really good, and as it turns out the season finale. I didn't know beforehand this was the last episode of the season, but by the end of episode with all the shit that was going down, I had a bad feeling it was. So I checked FX's website and sure enough it was. I'm sure they'll be re-airing the season soon, and when they do I definitely recommend checking it out. So I guess I need to find a new show to fill the genre void of drama littered with twisted humor in my tv viewing...at least until season 4 of The Shield starts.

Posted by Jason at October 13, 2004 09:53 PM