September 26, 2004

Worms 3D

After our seemingly weekly dinner at BJ's, Andrew, Ricci, and I went back to Ricci's and end up playing with Garageband on Ricci's new iMac for a while. We took turns each laying a track and made a couple interesting songs. Then we played some Worms 3D on the Gamecube. I hadn't played any Worms game, since maybe 10 years ago when my brother and I played the demo of one on our dad's computer all the time. It was a fun game, though I did pretty poorly and ended up damaging my team as much as the other's. I enjoyed the sheep weapon, which basically involved sending an exploding sheep charging into your opponent. There was also the Super Sheep special weapon which was a sheep with a cape that you could fly and crash spectacularly into your enemies.

Posted by Jason at September 26, 2004 01:40 PM

Baaah! Baaah! *BOOOOOOOOM*

Posted by: Ricci Adams on September 29, 2004 11:31 PM