September 25, 2004

Virus: Dangerous Enemy

I was looking at stuff on ebay last weekend and came across an auction for a Dr. Mario NES cartridge (black case and instruction book included) for $10. The auction was scheduled to end in 15 minutes and there were no bids, so I went ahead and bought it. I have to say, I was definitely wondering if I'd actually get it to work, given that I've had problems getting some of my own games to work anymore. However, it came in the mail yesterday, and it worked on just my second try. So beware viruses, you don't stand a chance, and neither does anyone wishing to challenge me to a two player game! And hearing that music again made me realize just how many long hours were spent playing that game last semester.

Posted by Jason at September 25, 2004 03:31 PM

Them's fighting words! Unfortunately, I'm not getting much practice lately, so you'd probably still annihilate me if we played.

Posted by: Lynn Revette on September 26, 2004 09:34 AM