September 21, 2004


I've just started watching Firefly on DVD from NetFlix and have been enjoying it. I have to say the captain, Mal, is a total badass. That's not to say he's heartless, but in both episodes I've watched he has killed someone in a way that says "don't fuck with me".

Firefly has actually reminded me a lot of Cowboy Bebop. Aside from the fact that both series take their name from crew's main spacecraft, they both take place in a future where we've colonized other planets, yet still live a relatively low tech life. Both shows follow the stories of a rouge crew, that will take whatever "job" they can to get by. I'm sure I'll be able to draw a lot more comparisons after I've actually watched the rest of Firefly.

Posted by Jason at September 21, 2004 09:51 PM