April 22, 2004

Yay Lyrics

Woohoo! Songmeanings.net is back up after well over a year of downtime. It is by far the best place to find song lyrics. This also means the links on my Recent Tunes page work again.

Posted by Jason at 05:10 PM

April 20, 2004

Lynn's Birthday Faceoff

Sunday was Lynn's 23rd birthday. We had a party in Tippit at 7. The theme for her party was "Lynn's Birthday Faceoff" which came out of her recent interest in randomly challenging people and her desire to have a no-hands pie speed eating contest. There was also arm wrestling, leg wrestling, thumb wrestling, standing long and high jump, and BlowPong (which was originally going to be lagging, but apparently the Tippit pool balls have gone missing again). For all interested BlowPong involves putting a ping pong ball on the ridge of one end of a pool table, blowing it once, and trying to get it as close to the opposite end of the table without touching it. I know I had a lot of fun, and I think everyone else did too. Lots of pictures were taken, which will be put up on Lynn's website when I export them from iPhoto. Here's a photo of us though after the pie eating contest.

Posted by Jason at 06:41 PM | Comments (1)

Insanely Busy

So except for a quick birthday wish to Lynn on Sunday, it's been nearly a month since I last posted here. Thankfully it's not because nothing exciting has been going on but rather because I've been insanely busy and have hardly spent anytime sitting in front of the computer (except when doing work). Rather than a single huge post, over the next couple days I'll be doing a variety of posts about what all I've been up to lately. I just finished my paper for Japanese Literature on the film Double Suicide and the paper for Computer Security got pushed back from being due on Thursday to being due on Monday, so it looks like I'll actually have a bit of free time tonight. Then again, I should really, really get going on my Lego Lab notebook.

Posted by Jason at 06:23 PM

April 18, 2004

Happy Birthday Lynn!

Tra la la, la la la, la la la la birthday! Happy Birthday Lynn! You're wicked awesome.

To everyone else reading this, party tonight at 7 in Tippit. Lynn's Birthday Faceoff. There will be a pie eating contest, and possibly arm wrestling, leg wrestling, thumb wrestling, and doubles ping pong.

Posted by Jason at 11:25 AM