March 04, 2004

Weekend Stuffage

Last Friday Lynn, Phil, Jeff, and I went to see Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World at Strosacker. Lynn had a small incident with the door at Rockefeller when we were cutting through there. The back doors to Strosacker were locked, but some people were just coming out of Rockefeller, so she ran to grab the door before it closed. But as she ran to stop the inside set of doors from closing, she banged into the outside door. The important thing though is she did get to teh inside door. But then a beeping noise started since the door had been open too long. She closed the door, but one of the people that left had come back to make sure she wasn't hurt and he swiped us in. The next morning when she did have a nice purple bruise, but she seemed proud of it. Jeff and I had already seen the movie, and the second viewing was just as good as the first. Unfortunately, I didn't remember all of the parts Lynn wouldn't want to see, so she saw a couple things she could have done without. Overall though she said she liked the movie, which is good.

Saturday, the 4 of us went to Phnom Penh since we hadn't been there in a while. I got the Asian Basel Fried Rice, which is excellent. The only other dish I've had there, which is also great is the Pad Thai. They're very similar so it usually comes down to whether I'm in the mood for rice or noodles. After that we went to PETsMART so Phil could get some new fish for his AquarIBM (a fish tank made from an IBM PS/2). He ended up getting 4 fish, 2 of which had a little Mickey Mouse design on their tail, which was cool. On Sunday morning though, one of the fish didn't look very good, and was just sort of laying in the plant in the AquarIBM. Very strangely though, that afternoon the fish had completely disappeared. We checked all over the tank, but it wasn't anywhere to be found. Apparently one of the other fish, or the plecostomus ate it. Phil said he had seen the plecostomus occasionally nibbling on the fins of the guppies, but these new fish were significantly bigger than guppies.

Sunday night we went to Chipotle because if you bought a burrito that night (Feb. 29) you got a coupon for a free burrito anytime this week. As expected though, the line was incredibly long, so we walked down to Grum's sub shop and ate over by the park in Coventry since it was pretty nice out.

Posted by Jason at March 4, 2004 09:37 PM