March 04, 2004

Comedy Night

On Tuesday night last week Lynn and I went to the Comedy Night at The Spot to see Mike Birbiglia. Lynn went to the comedy nights they had in Swansea fairly often and enjoyed them, so she thought we should check out the one's here. It was supposed to start at 9:30, so we went down to catch a Greenie at 9. When we got to The Spot there were only a couple other people there. Since we had some time to kill, we decided to play some air hockey, even though Lynn said she wasn't very good. I beat her the first two games, but she beat me the last three. The show didn't actually end up starting until 10 for some reason and one of the first things Mike talked about was that he thought the show was supposed to start at 8 so he had been wandering around the campus for a while. I enjoyed his performance, and we also got to see Scary Vampire Girl introduce him and two guy's from wrestling team wrestle each other (Mike bet $10 on the guy that lost), and of course there was also the free boxers. I had a good time and we'll probably try to go to the Comedy Night's again. We were going to go this week, but I had computer graphics homework to work on and by the time it would have been time to leave Lynn didn't really feel like going out anyway.

Posted by Jason at March 4, 2004 08:36 PM