February 11, 2004

Rock Star

Freshly Squeezed Software released Rock Star yesterday. It's a fun "Name That Tune" kind of game that uses your entire iTunes Library as its source of songs. My friends and I had some fun playing around with it last night. We all listen to different kinds of music though, so the person who's computer we are playing on has a distinct advantage. Last night I only played with specific playlists, but I'm looking forward to playing using my entire Library because I know there's a ton of stuff in there I haven't listened to in a long time, so it should be interesting to see how well I know that stuff.

Posted by Jason at February 11, 2004 02:21 PM

hey. your site's pretty cool... i just stumbled apon it while looking for jamisonparker lyrics, as i see is a regular occurance. anyway, rough draft is my favorite song ever in my whole life. haha.... so, i thought since you titled your journal after it then you must be a pretty cool guy. you sure have excellent taste in music. hit me with an email if you want to.

Posted by: rachel on February 19, 2004 04:26 PM