February 06, 2004

New Domain and New Hosting

Several weeks ago I signed up with 1and1's free 3 year hosting deal. I had been hosting this blog on my laptop, but I've been taking my laptop to class most days, so that wasn't acceptable hosting anymore. Last night I finally got around to moving my Movable Type installation over to 1and1. It was actually really easy to do. I just uploaded my blog directory to the server, changed the database settings in MT, exported my database into an sql file and reloaded into the new database. I've also added

RedirectMatch (.*)$ http://jaronmars.com$1

to the .htaccess file in the root of the webserver on my Powerbook which is where the Rough Draft domain still points. Also, once I get around to playing with CSS I'm planning to redesign the layout of this blog.

Posted by Jason at February 6, 2004 11:58 AM