January 22, 2004

Final Semester

I've been really slacking on updating this ever since I got back to school. There's been a bunch of things I've wanted to post, but just haven't gotten around to it yet. With that I'll get to the actual content of this post.

My second week of classes in my final semester here at CWRUis just about wrapped up. I'm taking 5 classes this semester: Music Theory, Classic Japanese Literature in Translation, Computer Graphics, Computer Security, and Autonomous Robotics. Originally I was planning to drop one of those five classes, since I only need 9 credits to graduate, but after 2 weeks, they all seem like they're going to be worthwhile so I'm not going to drop any of them. Though I'm most likely going to end up doing Pass/Fail for Computer Graphics.

Autonomous Robotics is going to be my most fun class. By the end of the semester each of 10 groups of 3 people will have built a completely autonomous robot out of Legos to compete in the Egg Hunt.

I've been wanting to learn OpenGL for a while now, so I'm looking forward to that in Computer Graphics. Though from the first homework and the lectures so far, the class is going to be weighted a lot more to the math behind computer graphics rather than how to write OpenGL which is ok with me. We still have assignments that need to be written in OpenGL, so though I'll probably have to learn how to write the code myself, at least I'll have the motivation to do so.

The other class I'm actually pretty excited about is Music Theory. I've been playing guitar for a few years, and took a few years of piano lessons while I was in middle school, so I can read music easily, but I'm looking forward to learning more about the construction of music. I have a feeling taking this class will let me do lots of fun things with GarageBand and Soundtrack.

Posted by Jason at January 22, 2004 05:33 PM