November 17, 2003

Games of All Kinds

Erik's Question of the Day asks: Do you play games? If so, what kind?

There's actually been several game's I've been playing lately, several of which I have been meaning to post about, so this gives me the perfect excuse.

Living in a college dorm, a very large majority of my gaming comes in the form of multiplayer video games. The last couple of weeks, there has been an insane amount of Dr. Mario played on our media PC. On Halloween night, Dr. Mario was played for over 6 hours straight by a group of about 8 of us. This past weekend though, we were looking for some 4 player gaming, so we reconnected Jeff's Dreamcast and played San Francisco Rush 2049 and Bust a Move 4.

As far as single player video games go, I started Xenosaga over the summer, but have yet to finish it. I also recently purchased Jak II. It's a really fun platformer, but I haven't really had time to play it much.

Outside of video games, I've been playing a fair amount of cards with people. Jacob, Lynn, and I play Pinochle at least a couple times a week. The couple times we have actually been able to find a fourth player, we've played a variant of Pinochle called 15. They also recently taught me a game called Raising Levels. It's another 4 player game, but takes a lot of time. Last year, several of us played Euchre a fair amount, though we haven't played much of that this year. However, last Saturday, Chris and I played in the Euchre Euphoria tournament. We made it to the second round before being eliminated.

Some other games we've played, usually on weekend nights, include Scattergories, Cranium, Trivial Pursuit and Catch Phrase. Last weekend, Chris, Dana, and I played Simpsons Trivia which was a lot of fun (and also prompted us to watch a couple episodes that had a couple questions about them during the game).

The last game I'll mention is one I've played at home a lot with my parents and grandparents, Rummikub. It seems to be our classic family-get-together game. I have a copy of it here at school and we played it a couple times last year. it's a fun game.

So there you have it, a short listing of games that keep my friends and I entertained.

Posted by Jason at November 17, 2003 03:14 AM

you are a game poster you see=m

Posted by: on January 5, 2004 06:51 PM