August 06, 2003


I guess this is trackback to Jeff day. He writes about the annoyances of moving. I fly home a week from Sunday, so I've been dreading the same thing. I really need to start packing up the things I need to FedEx home, so they get there in time for me to take them back to CWRU with me. I'm planning to send stuff home this Saturday, though I have yet to box anything up. Oh well, that's what Friday night will be good for. *Note to self, watch roast of Denis Leary on Comedy Central on Sunday since my Replay won't be here.* Anyway, my moving out process won't be nearly as bad as Jeff's for 2 reasons. First, I don't have to worry about cancelling utilities and other services. And second, since I flew out here, I don't have that much stuff to deal with. Still though, flying home a week Sunday, taking my brother to college at Westchester (near Philly) on that Friday, and going back to CWRU on Saturday isn't going to be fun. And even though working at Apple beats the hell out of classes, I am looking forward to going back to CWRU and seeing all my friends. It'll be nice to have people around and to hang out with all the time. Living far from the corporate housing and not having a car made it a little difficult to hang out with people here as much as I would have liked.

Posted by Jason at August 6, 2003 11:40 PM