August 02, 2003

Concert Trip Conversations

This is a continuation of the Ben Folds post, but it's about the various things we talked about while going to/from the concert. You know you're with a fun bunch of people when you're talking about Adult Swim and quoting Sealab one minute and the next minute you're talking about software design.

Damn, I wanted to write this up sooner, so I could remember the details of our various conversations. We'll see how this goes.

We had a fun discussion about song lyrics, their meanings, and the fun in figuring out what the song writer meant, and taking the lyrics to mean something personally. And it was during this conversation that I found out Nick (one of the interns with us) is a fellow indie rock fan of bands, specifically Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service. We're probably going to trade some music at some point, because he hasn't heard Brand New or Yellowcard and I'm sure he has a bunch of stuff I haven't head.

After the concert while we were waiting for the BART train, Nick asked if anyone watched Adult Swim. This of course turned into quoting Sealab episodes, as well as some Harvey Birdman.

There were a couple Cocoa programmers in the group, and there were 2 people that didn't know what Objective-C was, so we had some good discussions about Cocoa. It was great when 2 of us at the same time responded that "Objective-C is C with brackets."

That's all I can think of for now, but if I think of other details I'll add them later.

Posted by Jason at August 2, 2003 12:36 PM