February 27, 2003

Too Many Remotes

We have a pretty nice setup in our lounge with TV, receiver, DVD player, ReplayTV, GameCube, Playstation 2. Unfortunately, we also have 4 different remotes, most of which we only need to use one or 2 buttons on. The Replay Remote gets used the most, and pretty much all of its buttons are used. The recevier remote has way too many buttons, and I'm not even sure they all actually do something. The only buttons we use on it are power, volume up/down, and the button to change the input. The only button used on the TV remote is the strangely named Who/Input button. Finally, there's the DVD remote, which isn't used that much and in theory the TV remote should also control the DVD player, since they are both RCA, but for some reason that doesn't always work. The annoying thing is something as simple as wanting to watch something off the Replay usually requires 3 different remotes: The receiver needs turned on and set to the right input, the tv needs set to the right input, and the Replay and TV need to be turned on. The other annoying thing is the Replay remote can't control the volume on the receiver. Ok, that's enough silly ranting about remotes.

Posted by Jason at February 27, 2003 09:37 PM