February 27, 2003

Fax Troubles

I had to fax in a copy of my student ID and current schedule for Apple's WWDC Student Scholarship. Pfil set up the dialing instructions in his fax software so I could use CWRU's long distance service to make the call. Everything seemed to be set up ok, but we kept getting no dial tone errors or busy signal errors. For some reason we couldn't get the speaker on his modem turned on, so finally we picked up the phone while we tried a fax and heard ringing well before the number was finished being dialed. It turns out the software wasn't using the dialing instructions, so instead of dialing 9-1-408-xxx-xxxx it wasn't dialing the 9 and getting an outside line. Unfortunately, 1408 is an extension for some room in Taft, so some poor people got a lot of accidental phone calls last night. Oops. We eventually got the fax to send by just entering the 9, phone number, and pin number as one long comma separated string instead of trying to use the dialing instructions.

Posted by Jason at February 27, 2003 09:27 PM